BBC News

Politicians, musicians and celebrities in their most sparkling appearances arrived from one of the largest political events in South Africa – the title of the nation’s case (SONA), which makes it about politics.
Sona is a joint session of the Parliament’s home in Cape Town to celebrate the beginning of the government’s work for this year, as President Cyril Ramavusa draws a picture of the place where the country is located and sets the way forward.
In his speech, President Ramavusa talked about the elasticity of the nation, and got an experienced applause when he announced, “South Africa will not be intimidated.”
His position comes after his American counterpart Donald Trump threatened to cut financing on the land policy in South Africa.

While governance occupies the lead center, Sona has evolved into a fashion scene over the years, where deputies use their clothes to support local designers and show the talent of South Africa.
Clothes are always a hot topic on social media, and this year is not an exception.

Praise singer Eyako Matiza, Imbongi this year (traditional praise poet) played a major role in one of the most important traditions of Sona.
Through Song and Dance, she recounted the story of life and the history of President Cyril Ramaphosa, mixing traditions with a personal touch.
She ended her performance by addressing the president with his well -known title, “Cup cake”.

South African Minister of Water and Sanitation, Bimi Magodina wore traditional clothes and amazing ear rings.
The water was a major part of Ramavusa’s speech, saying that there would be many investments in water projects to address the shortage that affects the entire country.

Gold filled with gold, this amazing cabinet is Gezani Kobane, a member of former President Jacob Zuma, Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK).
With MK resentment in South Africa’s policy as a major opposition party, she attracts personalities such as Coban to pay attention to their political position and distinctive style.
But Zuma was not present because he was dealing with his ongoing trial over the allegations of corruption on the arms deal. He denies any violations.

Outside Parliament, there is a red rug for guests and ministers to strike the situation.

The southern politician of South Africa and traditional leader Michelo Nuncona, who is now working at the Conference of Traditional Leaders in South Africa in East Cape, showed his community, along with an employee.

The Julius Malema Party, EFF fighters (EFF) has arrived at the Red Brands Minister. The previous Sonas party disrupted, but this year they were relatively calm.
Malima expressed his disappointment in President Ramavusa’s speech and told the local broadcaster Inca, it was just a “wave.”

Members of Parliament were wearing clothes to nine, as they listened to the speech.
Now the hard work begins.
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