Kayaker swallowed by whale recalls feeling ‘slimy texture’ in its mouth happymamay

Andrea Diaz and Eileen Oliva

BBC Mundo

BBC AdRián SimanCas, 23 -year -old Venezuelan, wears a planned bonuso.BBC

Adrián SimanCas was rowing with rowing when Hadbat whale swallowed it

The first thing that Kayakker Adrian Cemancas noticed after a whale swallowed it was the mud.

“I spent again I realized that I was in the mouth of something, perhaps he had eaten me, and that he could have been Orca or the sea monster,” 23 -year -old told the BBC Mundo.

Adrian began to think about how he was alive inside the “Benokio” Homoro’s whale – then the creature spit.

The Venezuelan Kayakir was wandering in the Magellan Strait, off the coast of Chile Patagonian, with his father when he felt something “hit me from the back, closed me and drowned me.”

His father, d, He was able to pick up a short -term ordeal on the video just meters away.

“I closed my eyes, and when I opened it again, I realized that I was inside the mouth of the whale,” Adrian told the BBC.

He recalls, “I felt a thick texture brush on my face,” adding that everything I could see was dark blue and white.

“I wondered what I could do if I swallow me because I could no longer fight to stop him,” he said.

“I had to think about what to do after that.”

But within seconds, Adrian began to feel as though he was rising towards the surface.

Witness: “I thought he died,” says Man swallowed by the whale

“I was a little afraid if I was going to be able to hold my breath because I didn’t know how deep I was, and I felt it took me a long time to arrive.

“I went up for two seconds, and finally I got to the roof and realized that he did not eat me.”

In nearby kayak boats, Adrian Dal Simanankas’s father saw in disbelief.

The couple had just crossed the Gulf of Eagle – below the coast of Punta, the city of Chile in the far south – when he heard a crash behind it. “When I turned, I didn’t see Adrian.”

“I was worried for one second, until I saw him leaving the sea,” said 49 years old.

“Then I saw something, a body, and immediately explained it as a whale because of its size.”

Dal fixed a camera on the back of the kayak boats to record emerging waves – which seized his son’s wonderful experience.

When watching the shots again, Adrian – who moved with his father to Chile from Venezuela seven years ago in search of a better quality of life – was shocked to find out the huge whale.

“I haven’t seen the moment when the back appears, and the fate is visible. I haven’t seen it, I heard it. This made me tense,” he said.

“But later, with the video, I realized that he had already appeared in front of me in a large size, perhaps if I saw it, he would have feared me more.”

“It is physically impossible to swallow”

For Adrian, the experience was not just staying alive – but he said he felt he had a “second chance” when the whale was shouted.

The “unique” experience in one of the most extreme places on Earth has called me to think about what I can do better even that point, and in the ways I can benefit from and appreciate the experience as well, “he added.

But there is a simple reason that he managed to escape the whale so quickly, according to the wildlife expert.

“About the size of a BBC’s home tube,” Jacobson Siba, “to the BBC,” the size of a narrow throat, “about the size of a home tube, designed to swallow the small fish and shrimp.

“They cannot physically swallow big things like kayak boats, tires, or even large fish like tuna,” he said.

“Ultimately, the whale spit from the kayak boats because it was physically impossible to swallow it.”

Mr. Siba suggested that the Hadba whale was probably immersed in Adrian by chance.

“The whale is likely to feed on the fish school when it unintentionally gathered the kayak boats with its meal.

“When whales appear very quickly during feeding, they can strike or snack objects accidentally on their way.”

He warned that the meeting is a “important reminder” to avoid the use of rowing panels, skiboards or other silent vessels in areas where whales usually swim.

He added that the boats used to monitor whales and research should always maintain their engines, as the noise helps to discover their existence.

Participated in additional reports Louis Parso and Mia Davis.


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