At least 10 dead after heavy rain happymamay

At least 10 people died while weekend at the end of the week of the southern parts of the United States, and roads and homes are flooded.

Kentucky Governor Andy Bishir said that nine people died in his term, after the release of a disaster in emergency.

On Sunday, about 1,000 people who were cut off in flood water said.

The same areas can now be affected by more dry but cooler conditions, the danger of snow, ice and great disruption – according to the PBC John Hatshenson.

The other death was during the weekend in Georgia, where a man was hit in his bed with a tree that was uprooted in his home.

Kencaki, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Verginia, West Virginia and North Carolina were under a type of vigilance associated with storms during the weekend. Almost all of these states suffered catastrophic damage in September from Hurricane Helen.

Hundreds of thousands of homes ended without strength – a number that decreased to tens of thousands early on Monday, according to the monitor of

Some parts of Kentucky show up to 6 inches (15 cm) of national weather services numbers (NWS), which leads to large -scale flood problems.

The rapid flow of rain causes river levels rapidly and besieged in the feet of water, pictures published on the Internet. Hundreds of roads have been closed.

Among those who died in the state were a seven -year -old mother and a 73 -year -old man.

A resident of the Note County by the rain CNN was eager to “lose everything again”, because he was still rebuilding his house from destroyed floods two years ago. Danny Laviriti told the broadcaster the type of flood he saw in recent years was “different”.

Beshear said he wrote to the White House asking for an announcement of the emergency disaster and federal funds for the affected areas.

President Donald Trump agreed to the announcement on Sunday, as he authorized the FBA – which suggested cancellation – to coordinate disaster relief efforts.

In Obion Province, Tennessee, heavy rains caused the damage of dams, which led to a rapid flooding, “according to X for the local national weather station (NWS).

The town of Reeves along the Obion River, which has a population of about 300 people, was neglected from the flood barrier that was penetrated. The shots showed that brown water flows over the previous rocks and trees, as rescue workers in the red boats passed by the houses flooded by the water.

Steve Car, the mayor of Ubion Province, announced the same state of emergency, which asked for a mandatory evacuation in Rivers. Meanwhile, Western Virginia Governor Patrick Morris has released his emergency in more than ten provinces during the weekend.

Christie Nom, head of the Ministry of Internal Security (DHS), who supervises Fema, said she was in contact with the rulers of affected countries.

“Despite the emergency department leadership by the local authorities, we have strengthened that the Ministry of National Security is ready to take immediate measures to provide resources and support.”

The same weather system now brings thick snow to parts of Canada. Meanwhile, NWS warns that air in the Arctic can bring cold and dangerous wind chills to the center of the United States this week.

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