How JD Vance sees the world happymamay

Mike Windling

BBC News, Chicago

The BBC design for JD Vance wears a blue suit and a red tie standing in front of the microphone with red, white and blue lines in the backgroundBBC

A White House argument tore the US alliance with Ukraine, shook European leaders and highlighted the main JD Vance in expressing Donald Trump’s foreign policy strongly. The Vice President has gone out on the world stage – so what drives his view of the world?

The first major foreign speech for Fans, at the Munich Security Conference in mid -February, surprised a lot.

Instead of focusing on the skilled war in Ukraine, the Vice President of the United States did not mention in short only the most severe European conflict since World War II.

Instead, he used his first appearance on the international theater to empty the United States’ allies on immigration and freedom of expression, indicating that the European establishment was hostile to democracy. He accused them of ignoring the will of their people and wondered about the common values ​​that they really linked with the United States of Defense.

He warned about this: “If you are working for fear of voters, there is nothing that America can do for you, and there is nothing in this people that you can do for the American people.”

It was a bold and perhaps unexpected way to introduce himself to the world – through the anger of European allies. But a few days later, he returned to the news, at a large class center with Ukrainian President Folodimir Zelinski, who accused him of being full.

For those who were studying the rise of Vans, these two episodes were not surprising.

The vice president has become an intellectual wing of the conservative movement that gives an expression of tramp, especially how its first slogan in America applies beyond its borders. In writings and interviews, Vans expressed an ideology that joins the points between American workers, global elites and the role of the United States in the wider world.

At the campaign’s path with Donald Trump last year, Vans spent most of his time criticizing the Democrats sharply – the usual duties of the usual stings that are traditionally disposed of to his colleagues in running – and bypassing correspondents.

Although Elon Musk’s huge and unconventional role in the Trump administration was initially overwhelmed, Munich’s speech and the confrontation of the Oval Office sparked the image of Trump’s deputy.

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This also led to questions about the winding ideological journey he made during his years in the conservative movement – and what he really believes now.

“He is more than pragmatic than ideology,” said James Ur, associate professor of religion philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a friend who described him as “British Sherba”.

“He is able to clarify what it is or in the American interest,” said U “The American interest is not the interest of some of the abstract Utopia or the matrix of proposals and ideas, but the American people.”

Vance has repeatedly returned to this “America first” – or perhaps “Americans first” – in speeches, drawing a line between what he received in Washington’s economic and foreign policy abroad and the conflicts of the American -left working class at home.

At the Republican National Congress last summer, for example, he expressed regret in small cities throughout the United States “jobs were sent abroad and children were sent to war.” His president at the time attacked Joe Biden, saying: “For half a century, he was a hero for every single political initiative to make America weaker and poorer.”

But Vans is also a person, after a difficult breeding in the Ohio family with the roots of Apalashian and the sudden fame on the back of selling notes, Helbli tried many different opinions.

It is not only “not only” that he described the American president in 2016 as “reprehensible” and “foolish”, because his book puts a lot of blame on the rural plot of the poor for the options that individuals have taken directly.

Recently, this blame has turned into the elite – a group that has been defined differently as democrats, traditional Republicans, liberals, corporate leaders, globalization and academics.

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In speeches, Vans regularly argue that “America is not just an idea … America is a nation.”

This statement flourishes with a story about the cemetery of his family’s grandparents in Kentucky, where he says that he and his wife, and their children will be buried one day, on the pretext that the family and the homeland are more important than some basic ideas of America.

From Vans’s point of view, the Trump administration’s priority should make life better for Americans who have been in the country for generations, however they do not have a little wealth of the nation.

Rod Dreher, a conservative American writer, who is also a friend of the Vice President, said that Vans arises from the belief that “moderate Republicans in Normie … failed to provide anything to stop the so -called wars forever, and they also failed to provide anything to ordinary Americans like him, who are economically suffering from the world from the world and their effects to collective deportation.”

“He got red, if it is permissible to speak, by Donald Trump,” Dreher told BBC Radio 4 today today.

“Red-Plays” is an internet colloquial to suddenly wake up to a hidden, supposed fact, as shown in the matrix films. It is commonly used by those who are right online and who believe they have a special access to reality and that people who suffer from liberal, medium, or unpleasant thinkers.

Vance is the vice president who seems more than his boss, very connected to the Internet culture. He is an excited user of X, and often jumps directly to the arguments instead of using it, as many politicians do, as a platform for ads.

Its appearances on the right -wing podcast provided the margin, while he was trying to pay the support to run the Senate, fodder for its opponents, as well as provocative pleasures such as that the United States was run by “the cat women without children.”

Married to the daughter of the Indian immigrants, and he was rejected and rejected by members of the alternative right even if he repeated some of their views. However, he has both friends and allies at the top of the Silicon Valley and in some of its least well -known angles.

After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Yale University, he was brought to the world of investment capital by the influential Silicon Valley Governor Peter Thil, who later funded his campaign in the US Senate.

He cited people like blogger Cortis Yarfin, the main teacher in the “new reaction” movement that dreams of the delusions of excessive societies in the field of capitalism led by powerful kings.

Knowledge of its borders on the sidelines of the Internet showed when it published false rumors about immigrants who eat pets and claim about Ukrainian corruption – which BBC follows to Moscow.

“It is a kind of soup in this world online,” said Cathy Young, a writer of the conservative media, against Trump, said.

At the same time, Young said, his story about family and homeland graves indicate another political mile – a “worrying contractor from deaths.”

“This disturbs some people and is right,” she said. “Part of the American legacy is that we are a nation of immigrants. [Former Republican President] Ronald Reagan talked about this, about one of the distinctive things in this country that anyone can come here from any part of the world and become American. “

The thinking of the “Americans first”, the American “first” extends to the issue of the war in Ukraine. When he was a member of the Senate, he often criticized America’s involvement in the war, and remembered his former Senate colleague Josh Holie, a Republican of Missouri.

“His position at the time was like what it is now … the conflict must end,” Holie told the BBC. “It must end in a useful way to the maximum security of the United States and must end in a way that makes our European allies bear a growing responsibility.”

Vans regularly accused the Biden administration of being more interested in Ukraine than regulating illegal immigration. He wrote in 2022, during his campaign in the Senate and after the Russian invasion, he said: “I will be cursed if I would give priority to the eastern border of Ukraine now when our southern borders are immersed by a human tsunami of illegal immigrants.”

His views exploded into the open during this dramatic argument with President Zelinski in the Oval Office. Vans Zellinski was accused of disrespect, sending politicians in a “propaganda tour” in Ukraine and not thanking her for American assistance.

Getty Images Zelensky, Trump and Vance sat in the Oval Office - Zelensky has a folded arms while Vans had extended his arms.Gety pictures

The ranks of the Oval Office topped international addresses

He told the Ukrainian President: “He presented some words of appreciation to the United States of America and the president who is trying to save your country.”

The argument left European leaders scrambling to defend Zelinski, while trying to maintain negotiations on a possible peace deal.

Then Vans pushed widespread anger at the allies when he poured out the idea of ​​security guarantees in the form of forces “from a random country that did not fight a war in 30 or 40 years.”

He later denied that he was talking about the United Kingdom or France, the only European countries that publicly mentioned their willingness to send peacekeepers to Ukraine.

But the Vice President’s readiness to enter the fingers of allies reflects a global view, as he put it, as he put it, has little time for “ethics about” this country is good “,” this country is bad “.

“This does not mean that you must have a complete blind point, but this means that you should be honest in the countries you are dealing with, and there is a complete failure to do this with most of our foreign institutions in this country,” he told a column writer in the New York Times last year.

His dialect turned from the two years he spent in the US Senate before Trump chose him. Democratic Corrie Baker Verse states that he is “very pragmatic and thoughtful.”

“For this reason, some of these things surprise me,” Booker told the BBC.

Others discover the same separation.

David From, a writer of Atlantic, said that Vans’s views have changed significantly when he cost the previous naval infantry, which was attending Ohio State University at that time, to write on his website on conservative policy for more than 15 years.

“In no case was the warrior of culture he was today,” said Form.

Former, the former George W. Bush’s speech, a strong critic of Trump, called on Vans on Russia’s “ideological admiration”.

In Munich, while he was talking about freedom of expression, he cited the issues in which conservatives and Christians participated in Western countries, but he avoided any mention of Russia’s harsh sections of expression.

But he and his defenders look at the situation through a different lens.

“It does not mean that Russia is not a threat, but only to say that Europe and Great Britain have frankly worse problems at home,” said Drehar.

A quick end to the conflict in Ukraine, in the minds of Vans, is not only about a stoppage of billions of dollars that are spent thousands of miles away.

He himself said that there are greater issues for the United States and its friends to focus on Ukraine, that is, the threat of China, which he called “our most important competitor … over the next twenty or thirty years.”

Vans’s views of Ukraine and his willingness to broadcast publicly provided them with a dramatic moment in the first days of Trump’s second period.

But he also gave a vital clarification of the Vice President’s ideology, his emergence in the Trump administration and how to look at America’s place in the world.

With the reports of Rachel Locker and Anthony Zurcher in Washington and Laila Jamal in San Francisco

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