US influencer draws backlash for taking baby wombat from mum happymamay

Australia Foreign Minister Beni Wong is the latest criticizing the American influencer who has angered her video from his protected mother.

She told 7News: “I think everyone who was seeing him would have been thinking, leaving the child and blades alone. Leave it with his mother,” she told 7News.

Sam Jones, who describes herself as “outdoors and henter” on Instagram, was photographed to pick up a baby through an unidentified road and run through a car, while her mother ran after them.

The man who stands behind the camera can be heard: “Look at the mother, he is chasing her!” The video, filmed in Australia, was deleted.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Tony Burke, told the BBC, amid her calls to be deported, that immigration officials are reviewing the visa of Mrs. Jones.

“Given the audit level that will happen if you apply for a visa again, I will be surprised if she is bothering,” Burke said in a statement.

and Seam online The deportation of Mrs. Jones 10500 has received signatures so far.

Conservative specialists say Mrs. Jones’s “horrific” behavior has caused severe damage to WBATS.

The Wombat Protection Association said it was shocked to see “a misfortune with Wombat’s air in a clear kidnapping of” like social media. “

“[She] Then I put the weak child again on a rural road – he might endanger him to become the road, “and he indicated in his statement, adding that it is still unclear whether an air was reunited with his mother.

“She caught a baby,” Mrs. Jones shouted in the video, while Joy, as he is known, can be heard his foam and struggled in her grip.

I read the illustrations in the post that was now deleted: “My dream has been fulfilled in carrying WBAT! The child and my mother slowly retreated to the bush.”

“The child was carefully detained for one minute and then he was launched to my mother,” Ms. Jones wrote in the comments.

“They wandered in the bush together completely safely. I don’t pick up wildlife that will be affected by doing it.”

After the reverse reaction, Mrs. Jones, who has more than 92,000 followers on Instagram, made her special account. But many media outlets had already shared the video – as well as previous posts, which were said to have been taken in Australia, which showed the possibility of Echidna and “small shark”.

WBATS, which is home to Australia, are legally protected species throughout the country. Players of maintaining what he says says that the gray of children share a strong bond with their mothers, and any chapter that can be painful and hurt.

“Wombats are not a pillar of pictures or games,” said Susan Meldorpe,

“It is unacceptable, and we are pleased to be called to his account. The extraction of a child screaming from his mother is not only horrific, but it may be illegal under national or national laws.”

Some experts believe that Mrs. Jones has broken the law because Australia prohibits people to harm or take the original wildlife.

It is not only allowed if Joy needs help because his mother has died, as the veterinarian said in wildlife Tania Bishop.

Additional reports by Simon Atkinson

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