Ange Postecoglou: Tottenham head coach hits back at ‘Mr Hindsight’ critics in extraordinary | Football News happymamay

Ange Postecoglou returned to critics “MR MR. LOWSIGIGT” and vent about doubts about his ability to manage Tottenham Hotspur.

Postegoglu, who led Spears to the quarter -finals in the European League on Thursday, went out with an extraordinary response to the pressure he suffered during his second season in the club.

Before facing Fulham on Sunday in the English Premier League, Busteoglu was asked how to deal with questions about his future and whether there was more scrutiny in Tottenham more than its previous functions, as the club sat thirteenth in the table.

At a press conference that lasted for more than 30 minutes, he said: “Yes, the audit is more because there is more noise, but this does not mean that it needs to affect you.

“I have said several times, often it does not matter because I am not really sure that people from people imagine this role, especially as I am a person, they believe that I will reduce tomorrow if there is a negative result. I do not live my life this way. I do not speak this way. I do not think this way.

“I love what I do. I wake up every day, face the challenge, know where there are possibilities and continue to move.

“There is a lot of noise. I think there is always a kind of both sides for that. One of them is one of the people who do some critical analyzes of what I do. Others, just like the story of the manager under pressure, people feel excited.

“Some people really enjoy this process for a strange reason, and whenever they try to push individuals, whether or any other person, I am to this type of position, it generates any kind of contentment that they come out of. But it does not infiltrate my world.

“Regardless of what happened last night (opposite AZ alkmaar), I still will go home and ask my children how the ceremony continued. My life continues. It is not overwhelming. I feel the need to prevent or respond to everything. It doesn’t bother me.

‘Google is my name and get some addresses.

When asked if it is more intense because of the whereabouts of him, postecoglou said: “If I say that, people will only see me playing the victim’s card and I do not want to do it. But 100 percent of the element of that. There is no doubt about it.

“Let me present to you an example. Whatever the profession in which you are, you are a journalist, you are a plumb, you are a policeman, you are a lawyer, you are a doctor, you are doing this job for 26 or 27 years.

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Sky SPORTS Will Bitibiri and James Cole discusses Tottenham Hotspur victory over AZ Alkmaar in the European League, which sees the progress of the North London team to the quarter -finals of the European League.

“Regardless of everything you do, do you think the person has a good idea of ​​this job? Do you ever wonder about his knowledge of this job? Do you ever wonder whether every decision he makes or experience before?

“If you survive for 26 or 27 years, this means that you have not stuffed many times. Whatever you do, because if you are a plumb, everywhere you go to, if there is a leak, you will not get another job. If you are a doctor and people die, it is unlikely to be put up.

“If you are doing it for 26 or 27 years, he has a fair idea about what he is doing. But you may say maybe it is just a mill?

“But then, if this person starts largely on the factory floor in that industry, whatever the industry, it may be from the executive director or anything else, and ends up in the place where he reaches one percent higher in his profession, then you have to say, well, this man must have something.

“I am talking about the level, I am not talking about experience. But then you may say, well, but it is outside its depth now. But if you have taken a club that finished the eighth to the fifth in your first full year … so when you put all this together, then you hear, as I said, it does not come out of his depth, he does not know what he does, he does not know that, he does not work in anything.

“You may be criticizing his performance, but you will not do it. Google is my name and get some titles. Just avoid it on the wall. And you say, I don’t think this is somehow. But this is so. Because this is the place we are.

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Ange Postcoglou feels that Tottenham Hotspur Djed Spence and James Madison were in great condition and they will surely be in the framework of the future England teams.

“There is a critical analysis of performance at every level. As I said, the higher, there are more things at stake, for sure.

“We forget the football manager, a human being. Anything else, do you say that he has no idea what he is doing. He has no plan B. He is stubborn, his methods do not work. He is outside his depth.

“Where does that come from? From the people who may be … some have not been born even when the administration started for the first time. It started in 1996-1997.

“The greatest enemy of the manager is Mr. Fortte.”

“You just have to accept it is part of the world I am. But I accept it. I shouldn’t interact with it. I can just laugh because I think it’s ridiculous.

“This does not change me as a person, and does not change anything I do, what I believe in, or how I continue to continue. Since my career will continue. Everyone realizes that whatever happens, my career will continue. This is a long answer, right?”

Are you still enjoying it during this time?

“I love it. No, I do not say this type of face. I love the fact that, as you know, there is a big challenge there and people doubt you and all this kind of things.

“I love it. But I also think some of them are ridiculous to what is beyond their nature in being something else that is not very cheap.

“I have another story, then I will let you go. You know who is the greatest enemy for any manager?

“You know who was Mr. Fortte? He is the man who, when the result is there, and the result that was already done, got all the answers with the utmost certainty that was very clear, and was never wrong.

Tottenham coach Ang Postegoglu

“Mr. Fortette will go there every time and announce that he is Oracle from all Urukles because he deals with what happened after the event, and he has never been unprecedented. There is a group of master after it is too late. The killers must do a song about him. I will definitely buy it.

“You want to be embarrassing or want to have a strong type of opinions about things? Select it before the event. Make it really clear and stand when you are wrong because I guarantee you that it will be just as any wrong manager perhaps.

“But there are not many of them. There are some who if they do not do it before the event, after the event always puts a perspective in their analysis. But I see them, my friend, and I hear them after the event.

“It is easy to deal with a result.

“If it is just results, what is the purpose of anything else? All we will do is everyone who won, then you put a column there and say that everyone writes the same piece for that, and it is missing, you put a column there, and everyone writes the same piece there. These managers are under pressure, these managers are the best. Then they turn the next week because the results are always going in the other way.

“But anyway, we should have this not connected, I said a lot of things that I would regret tomorrow.”×900/skysports-tottenham-postecoglou_6808748.jpg?20250123204353

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