Survivors of Auschwitz deliver warning from history as memories die out happymamay

Paul Kirby

European Digital Editor

“We have been stripped of all our humanity”: Remember the survivors of Auschwitz

Their numbers are diminished, but the voices of the Auschwitz survivors are still strong.

“We have been stripped of all humanity,” said Lyon Winterop, 99, who is the four oldest of those who spoke next to the notorious gateway to the Berkinaw Evotena camp.

European world leaders rubbed the shoulders with 56 survivors of the genocide of European Jews in Hitler on Monday, when they have reached 80 years since its liberation.

“We were victims in an ethical vacuum,” said Touva Friedman, who described the witness of the horrors of the Nazi group genocide as a five and a half years old girl clinging to her mother’s hand.

The warnings of history were clear: the survivors are more than anyone who understood the dangers of intolerance, and anti -Semitism was the canary in the coal mine.

The Nazis killed 1.1 million people in Auschwitz-Birquinho between 1941 and 1945.

Nearly a million Jews, 70,000 Polish prisoners, 21,000 Rome, 15,000 prisoners in the Soviet war and an unknown number of gay men.

This was one of six death camps they built in occupied Poland in 1942, and it was largely greater.

In a huge white tent that covered the entrance to the death camp, the director of the Auschwitz Museum, Piotr Siinky, issued an appeal to protect the memory of what happened, with the death of the survivors.

“The memory hurts me, the memory helps, the memory guides … without memory you do not have a date, no experience, no feasibility from the reference,” he said. .

The memory was the word monitoring of this day, which was marked all over the world on the international memorial day of the Holocaust.

Polish President Andrag Doda has pledged that Poland could have been entrusted with the memory of the six death camps on its territory, in Trilinka, Subur, Pelzik, Magdanic and Chilmeno. He said: “We are the guardians of the memory,” after putting a wreath on the wall, where thousands of prisoners were executed in Auschwitz 1, the detention camp 3 km (1.85 miles) from Berkenaw.

Getty Images Polish President Anderzig Doda and Bioster Siminsky, director of the Auschwitz Museum, is constructed in Gety pictures

Polish President Anderzig Doda (left) and the director of the Auschwitz Museum, Piotr Siinke (right), both of them honor

Away from the entrance to a Nazi death camp, at the United Nations in New York, Secretary -General Antonio Guterres said, “Remembering is not just a moral work, it is an invitation to work,” and warned that the Holocaust denial was spreading and hate was moved around the world.

He referred to the Italian survivor, Primo Levy, who wrote his memories about the camps for future generations, but he was unable to bear the scars of what he witnessed. In the words of his surviving teammate Eli Wizel, Levy died in Auschwitz after 40 years.

Among those who traveled to southern Poland to commemorate Monday for the day that the Red Army Auschwitz from King Charles, King William Alexander, Queen Maxima Holland, King Felipe, Queen Letizia from Spain, Denmark Ferrick and Queen Mary.

Charles III became the first British Monark to serve Auschwitz, and can be seen as he wipes tears listening to the four survivors’ accounts.

While touring the camp, he put a wreath on the memory of the victims.

Sources close to the king said it was a deep visit to him, and one of the assistants described it as a “profound personal pilgrimage.”

Hours ago, he said he remembered the “evils of the past” that remained a “vital task”.

Reuters King Charles III wanders in Auschwitz in Poland, after celebrating the celebration of 80 years since the liberation of the detention camp on January 27, 1945Reuters

King Charles got a tour of Auschwitz, including the offers of elements belonging to those who were sent to the previous detention camp

The king said about the visit of the Jewish Society Center in Krakow, which opened it 17 years ago, that the Krakow Jewish community was “born again” from the ashes of the Holocaust, and that building a nice and more sympathetic world for future generations was “sacred” important of us all.

The British survivor, born in Polish Mala Trimic, 94, was released from the Bergen Bilgen detention camp, and the Monday event was attended in Auschwitz.

“We have seen the consequences of camps, beating and hatred,” she told the BBC. And what [children] It is taught under the tyranny conditions it can be very harmful, not only for them but everything. So we must really protect against him. “

Lord Picks, the UK’s special envoy for post -Holocaust issues, a president of the Holocaust Corporation, has warned that “distortion” threatens the historical and hierarchical reality of Holocaust.

After listening to the survivors inside the tent in Birkenau, BBC told, “We have seen a transmission from memory to history,” because it is not now likely to transfer the survivors of speeches for a much longer period.

“This is very difficult and I don’t think we are in the post -Holocaust world.”

Participated in additional reports from Laura Josie in London.

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