BBC travels with first Jordanian helicopter delivering aid to Gaza happymamay

Jordanian helicopters began delivering aid to Gaza – the first since the ceasefire was announced between Israel and Hamas.

The scene reveals the air from itself from midday fog – gray ruins and landscapes without life.

During our landing, the Jordanian Air Force men jump first and make sure that there is a person from the global food program to receive assistance.

A solitary figure in the Hi-Vis jacket is approaching.

Besides the barbed wire fence, two trucks are waiting to bring aid to Khan Yunis near.

There are no formalities. Aid is quickly emptied. All the time the helicopters continue to spin.

There is a sense of real urge – there are 14 other helicopters waiting for us to follow us to the landing zone.

The BBC was allowed to join the mission, which fell in the Israeli -controlled Israeli territory between the Israeli border and the town of Wadi al -Salka.

Although this is just the edge of the conflict area, the adjacent area of ​​the landing tape resembles arid land after 15 months of war.

I seemed to see the Israeli drilling machines operating in the region.

Jordan deployed 16 helicopters for a Tuesday operation.

They offer medical supplies and children’s formula that can spoil if they are transferred on a long road trip.

Dr. Muhammad Al -Moman, the official spokesman for the Jordanian government, told me that the scenes of human suffering in Gaza were “horrific … and inhumane.”

He said that Jordan was joining the international community to try to alleviate the suffering.

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