F1 rules changes 2025: Explaining what’s new, what’s changed ahead of Australian Grand Prix | F1 News happymamay

Formula 1 regulations may not be largely fixed with cars and engines in the new style, but there are still some noticeable changes to the book of rules that must be known about 2025.

Before the Australian Australian race opened this week, Sky SPORTS F1 Pundit and the former F1 team race specialist Bernie Collins She has chosen her way hard through the latest versions of this year’s sporting and technical regulations to determine the main changes in arranging importance and explaining its potential impact …

The two waters race in Monaco GP

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Fernando Alonso and Lancersol have their opinion on whether Monaco can improve with more hole stops after F1 revealed plans to impose changes for a “better race”

Bernie says:

  • This was created as a reaction to the Monaco 2024 race when the early red flag allowed all cars to the option to change the tires and complete the race without stopping the same live.
  • The new organization imposes each driver on the use of three groups of tires across two different compounds, one of which must be a compulsory racing compound (usually, medium and difficult). The durable binary vehicles and the mandatory frame for one race is the same for all circles. Only the collections of only three tires have changed.
  • There is no minimum work length or any change in the rules of red science. Therefore, one of these tire changes such as 2024 can occur under the red flag.
  • If there is a safety car, one of the tire changes can easily occur.
  • The Monaco race is often faster in theory if cars completed a comprehensive strategy, but traffic prevents teams that lead to the second stop and instead choose to stick to the situation.
  • The newly produced Pireli Pireli is expected to bring to the Monaco weekend, which is more softening than last year and will enhance more stops in the hole again.
  • It remains to see whether the driver is outside the position in the back of the field will take a gamble and complete both the stopping. This will be particularly useful if there is an early safety car in the race.

There is no point for the fastest bosom

Bernie says:

  • Giving a point to the driver with the fastest roll of race (provided that it ends in the first ten places) to the book of the rules from 2019.
  • The reduction decision means that there are 24 points available this year.
  • This rule often benefited greatly for the third or fourth team with a gap behind them in the midfield so that they could stop the “free” hole of fresh tires late in the race.

Provide driver cooling above 31C

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Compare Max Verstapen, OSCAR PISTRI and Lando Norris notes in the Cold Chamber after the Grand Grand Prix

Bernie says:

  • It was implemented in response to Qatar 2023 when very hot circumstances and the lengths of Terry restricted to a flat drive for drivers.

The most solid back suite tests from the start of the season

Bernie says:

  • From the start of the season, a new test will be applied to the beam wing to restrict the deviation to 0.8 degrees when applying 2 loads from 150n.

The most solid front wing tests from May 28 onwards

Bernie says:

  • The front wings are allowed with a 15 mm down deviation with the application of 1000n on both sides, but from the Spanish GP this is reduced to 10 mm.
  • Alsp Front Wing has been allowed to lift 20 mm down with a 1000n application on one side, but it will now be 15 mm.
  • The front wing flutter was allowed with a 5 mm deviation with the application of 60n, but this will become 3 mm.

The mass of the car rises 2 kg from 798 kg to 800 kg

Bernie says:

  • There is also an additional item for additional weight 5 kg if the driver’s cooling is used.

Two of the young driver’s practice of every car practice

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Bernie Collins, Caron Chandok and Ted Cravitz give their ideas on how to perform both young people in their first season

Bernie says:

  • We will see twice the number of young drivers who complete in P1 sessions throughout the season. The teams tend to push them to the end of the year, with the end in Abu Dhabi preferred. It is clear that broad weekends are avoided due to the fact that there is only one training session.
  • The regulations also say that “every competitor should use a driver who did not participate in more than one championship (2) championship races in their career,” then I think Gabriel Portolo (Saber), Kimi Antoni (Mercedes), and Izak Haydjar (bulls) can be considered young drivers of experimental events and will not need to be operated at a later time. Jack Duhan will count from the Alps for the first race, but not the second race. This puts Oliver Berman (Haas) William Lawson (Red Ball) in a non -favorable position against other young people, as they will have to sit on two sessions each during the year.

You can have four rulers in an event

Bernie says:

  • This has been modified in order to help events that are a high work burden.

Option to allow the race to start behind the safety car, but not to force wet weather tires

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Max Versaben won one way or another with the São Paulo Grand Prix in treacherous circumstances after it started from the seventeenth place, while Esteban Okun and Pierre Jasli suddenly invited the other platform sites

Bernie says:

  • We had events that required the start of a safety car due to the wet but not necessarily needing full wet tires. This new rule allows the race control option to determine whether the wet frame should be mandatory. If it is not obligatory, you can decide the difference. Brazil 2024 may start in light of the safety car conditions with freedom choices for tires.

The network was formed from the position of the championship if it was not a qualified session

Bernie says:

  • This is the coverage of the situation in Brazil last year if it is not possible to spend the qualifiers on Sunday morning due to bad weather.

There are no restrictions on the use of the gearbox (the restrictions are still currently listed in the 2026 regulations, although they have not been updated since December 2024)

Bernie says:

  • This is a strange thing for me, as the teams can definitely get a feature if their unreliable gearbox proved. Although we rarely see sanctions in the gearbox at the time, if they are also changed in 2026 regulations to match 2025 and then for the teams that contain new gearbox groups, they will be allowed for more freedom. Maybe this is the point. To avoid harming new teams.

Drivers start from the hole to complete the formation of the formation. Working in the fast pass from Pitlane during this time is now identical to the timing of the network

Bernie says:

  • Drivers who have previously started from The Pit Lane can complete the survey but not a roll of formation. This now brings Pit Lane to walk with the network procedure. The change that makes a lot of meaning I think.

Reducing the number of days and miles to test previous cars

Bernie says:

  • There was no extent before, but this is now limited to 20 days and 1000 km.

Amending the rules of Abu Dhabi test after the season

Bernie says:

  • The end of the season will be one car 2025 for specifications for a small driver and a 2026 mule for the Pireli tire test.
  • The small modification is only to ensure a good test from 2026 tires to finish the season before fixing the rules of next year.

See all 24 weekends of the 2025 Formula 1 season on the air Sky SPORTS F1Starting from the Australian GP on 14-16 March. Stream Sky SPORTS at now – no contract, cancellation at any time


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